Frequently Asked Questions

About Wayne

I have found my dream job!  After a 40+ year teaching career in the BC school system, my lifelong love of dogs has blossomed as a dog massage therapist. My wife and I have kept and raised dogs together, mostly poodles, since the 1990's.  Maintenance Massage Therapy is for otherwise fit and healthy dogs, but have a special interest in the older animals who find getting around more difficult or even painful. It is the intention at Eagle Hill Animal Hospital to eventually provide a pool for Hydrotherapy for severely arthritic and immobile animals.

Maintenance Massage?

Taking our companion dogs from puppy to grave has encouraged my interests to expand beyond maintenance and performance massage into Rehabilitation Massage Therapy. This involves treating animals that have experienced physical or emotional trauma and have been abandoned, rescued, bereaved or injured, including those recovering from surgery.

What other services do you provide?

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Are you licensed and insured?

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What are your terms and conditions?

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What are the rates of your services?

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